
Our Organization

Our Organization

The College Club of Cincinnati (CCC) is a group of college-educated women whose mission is 

"to promote a continuing interest and participation in philanthropy, the arts, education, social welfare, and civic improvement."

Meeting Location

College Club of Cincinnati
330 Lafayette Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220


The Sweet Rewards of Organized Space

Presented by Tina Kehl and Susan Ludwig

Carolyn Laemmle 0 9849 Article rating: No rating

An organized, clean space provides a great sense of internal pride and a sense of control that is gratifying. Most of us have that space or room we just aren’t happy with, and we can’t wrap our minds around how to approach it… so we just keep the door shut. If you are finally fed up and want to fix it, where do you start?  Just in time for spring cleaning, this presentation will include ideas for downsizing and minimizing your estate while helping you to determine which of the many philosophies and systems available is right for you.


Mrs. Carolyn Laemmle………………….Chairman of the Day

The Greene Machine at Sycamore Schools

Featuring the Greene School Show Choir

Janet McDaniel 0 10744 Article rating: No rating

Small yet mighty, the Greene Machine features the fifth- and sixth-graders who make up the show choir at E.H. Greene Intermediate School in Sycamore Community Schools. These dynamos will sing and dance their way into your hearts as they help set the stage for spring with an upbeat collection of tunes.


Mrs. Ann Hanson………………………………Chairman of the Day

Tour of the Universe: You Are Here

Presented by Dean Regas

Carolyn Laemmle 0 9185 Article rating: No rating

Rocket through space and sail among billions of stars and galaxies. Utilizing some amazing simulation software, astronomer and co-host of PBS’ Star Gazers, Dean Regas, will guide you through the mind-boggling scale of the universe. Along the way you’ll stop at the Moon and individual planets. Then you’ll make the jump to light speed and head to interstellar space and see all the galaxies in the universe. Don’t worry, he’ll have you back home in time for dinner.  After the talk Dean will sign and sell his books “Facts From Space” and “100 Things to See in the Night Sky.”


Ms. Cindy Browne ………………………Chairman of the Day

Harriet Beecher Stowe: Freedom Seeker of Cincinnati

Presented by Christine Hartlieb, Executive Director

Nancy Cavanaugh 0 9005 Article rating: No rating

This interactive presentation focuses on the life events and experiences that Harriet Beecher Stowe faced during the 18 years she lived in Cincinnati and how these experiences enabled her to write an impactful anti-slavery novel.  Stowe House Executive Director Christine Hartlieb also will discuss the history of the house after the Beechers left and its ties to African American experiences in the 20th century.


Mrs. Nancy Cavanaugh…………………………………………Chairman of the Day

Beginning Again: Ohio Justice and Policy Center

Presented by Tyra Patterson

Janet McDaniel 0 9404 Article rating: 2.0

Hear the compelling story of an 11-year-old child who was unjustly incarcerated for 23 years and rebounded to become a contributing member of society during this College Club program featuring the subject of the story herself: Tyra Patterson.  Having earned her GED and studied to become a paralegal, Tyra was exonerated in January, 2017, and reoriented herself into our community.  Upon meeting Tyra, you will be amazed at the resiliency of the human spirit as displayed by this delightful and energetic young woman.


Dr. Janet McDaniel…………………………………………………Chairman of the Day

The Cincinnati Boychoir

Artistic Director Christopher Eanes

Carolyn Laemmle 0 9068 Article rating: No rating

For more than 50 years, the Cincinnati Boychoir has delighted audiences with their exquisite voices, musicality and professionalism. Comprised of young men from more than 90 schools in the region, the boychoir is dedicated not only to showcasing the extraordinary skills of these young singers, but also to heightening their musical, intellectual and emotional development. Learn about the Cincinnati Boychoir story and enjoy a special performance by this diverse and exceptionally gifted group of youngsters.


Mrs. Mary Russell…………………………………………………Chairman of the Day

Contributions of the Tuskegee Airmen to World War II

A squadron in the US Army Air Corps

Carolyn Laemmle 0 9021 Article rating: No rating

The Tuskegee Airmen were an all-black squadron who served as the first military aviators in the US army Air Corps (AAC), a precursor of the US Air Force. Trained at the Tuskegee Army Field in Alabama, they flew more than 15,000 individual sorties in Europe and North Africa during WWII.  Their impressive performance earned them more than 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses and helped encourage the eventual integration of the US Armed Forces.


Mrs. Carol Kortecamp…………………………………………………Chairman of the Day

The Golden Days of Radio

The Cincinnati Woman's Club Players, Directed by Mrs. Carol Parsons

Carolyn Laemmle 0 9249 Article rating: No rating
Let’s return to the days of old-time radio through the talents of the CWC Players and the creativity of an original script written by long-time College Club member Carol Parsons, who also serves as director. The always-hilarious CWC Players put their own twist on classic radio, which thrived from the late 1920s through the 1950s.

Taking a School Garden to New Heights: How a Rooftop Garden Helped Transform an Urban Elementary School

Presented by Bryna Bass, MEd

Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 10337 Article rating: 4.3

From the ground level, Rothenberg Preparatory Academy in Over-the-Rhine seems surrounded by a dense forest of brick and concrete surfaces. Yet, a bird’s eye view reveals that ornamental flowers, fruits and vegetables flourish on the roof of this historic elementary school building, serving as a source of beauty and learning for students. The program will discuss the inspiration, design, and creation of the garden and its curricular connections, with participants discovering how the garden both enriches academic programming and enhances the unique urban community of Over-The-Rhine.


Ms. Mary Ronan……………………………..……………Chairman of the Day

Benchmark Jazz

Led by Henry Stiefel

Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 9404 Article rating: No rating

Benchmark Jazz is a group of young energetic high school musicians, who have developed a strong passion for jazz music.  The West Chester jazz sextet consists of some of the best young jazz musicians in the area, and primarily feature trumpet, trombone, piano, bass, guitar, and drums.  Their smooth and mellow jazz will include such selections as C'est Si Bon, Satin Doll, Night Train, and Sack Full of Soul, as well as other traditional standards with some jazz improvisation.  So, come prepared to get in the mood to swing, thanks to some talented youthful performers!

Glenna Baumbaugh Chairman of the Day

«March 2025»
3/15/2025 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Our very own Mr. Frisch had the first franchise for the Big Boy restaurants. Whoever would have thought that his Cincinnati‘s favorite restaurants would be disappearing?  Come hear about great successes and recent failures of this originally local family friendly chain. You’ll even see several Big Bob figures in the American Sign Museum!

Janet McDaniel                                                            Chairperson of the Day

Donna Perzigian                                                                           Hospitality

Board Meeting, 11 am

Luncheon in the Lecture Room at noon

The slate of officers will be announced, followed by any nominations from the floor, then election and introduction of officers.

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