Membership for The College Club of Cincinnati shall be open to women holding a minimum of a baccalaureate degree earned in institutions accredited by a regional accrediting agency. An active member shall be one who lives within forty miles of Government Square in the city of Cincinnati.
Members nominate interested applicants to The College Club at any time during the year. It is recommended that one attends several meetings prior to completing the application. This helps the candidate get a feel for the Club and meet as many members as possible.
Requirements include the following:
Once approved:
The “new member” is formally introduced at an upcoming membership meeting.
Shortly thereafter, an invoice is sent for the initiation fee of $75 and membership dues of $70 that may be pro-rated depending on when one joins. New College Club members also fill out a form indicating how they might wish to serve. Getting involved on committees is a great way to get to meet others and learn how the Club works.
If interested in applying for membership, please contact Jane Hlad at or (859) 630-4064 for further information.
Application Information Document
Hold on to your seats! The Kentucky Symphony Orchestra’s subsidiary group, the Flood Wall Jazz Sextet, will wake you up in a very good way. The group specializes in the music of Claude Bolling, Vince Guaraldi, Dave Brubeck, and others, bringing together a true hybrid mix of classical and jazz entertainment.
Honorary College Club member Paula Steiner has had a personal connection to the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra since 1997. It was then that the business in which she was a partner, Medical Research Laboratories, took on a benefactor role. Since 2004, as the company was sold to a corporation, Paula remained very active and supportive of the KSO, to this day, serving several terms on the board, including board president.
Paula Steiner Chairperson of the Day
Irene Diesel Hospitality
Luncheon in the Tea Room at noon followed by the concert in the Auditorium
“Scam Alert!” Have you ever felt you were scammed? What did you do about it? The Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office recently established a new initiative, the “Elder Justice Unit,” to protect Senior Citizens from fraud, scams and financial exploitation. These crimes are under-reported because elderly victims are often too embarrassed to report them. Learn how to protect yourself, what to do if you have been scammed and how to prevent future abuse.
Nancy Glasgow Chairperson of the Day
Diane Kasarda Hospitality
Board Meeting, 11 am.; Past Presidents’ Meeting, 11:30.
Luncheon in the Lecture Room at noon
President presents the Annual Report, recognizes any new members and will introduce the new Board of Governors.
All Past Presidents are honored at t
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Contact Jane Hlad at or (859) 630-4064 to get started.
View more membership information here.
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