
Higher Education is the key to Success

A college degree means more opportunities, promotions, income and stability. It
prepares women to contribute to society in meaningful ways, and
to lead in workplace, communities and governments while at the same time provide
better financial environments for their families.

As an organization of college-educated women, we celebrate our educational accomplishments and encourage
more women to realize their highest potential through a college education.

Scholarship Applications

Annually the Club offers scholarships to undergraduate female students who attend local universities and colleges at: 

University of Cincinnati

 Miami University

Mount St Joseph University

Northern Kentucky University

Xavier University 

  • Scholarships are awarded on the basis of GPA, activities, financial need and future goals. 
  • Students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year are eligible to apply.
  • You may download the application form here.
  • For questions, contact Cheryl Sieve, Scholarship Chair, by email at
  • Completed applications may be submitted either by email or the US Mail - addressed to:
    Cheryl Sieve, Scholarship Chair,
    538 Overhill Lane
    Cincinnati, Ohio 45238
  • The deadline for submitting applications for the 2024-25 school year is May 1, 2025. 
  • Awards will be announced by early June 2025.


University of Cincinnati
Miami University
College of Mount Saint Joseph
Northern Kentucky University
Xavier University

  Scholarship Recipients 2023-2024

Our Organization

The College Club of Cincinnati (CCC) is a group of college-educated women whose mission is 

"to promote a continuing interest and participation in philanthropy, the arts, education, social welfare, and civic improvement."

Meeting Location

College Club of Cincinnati
330 Lafayette Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220
