
Our Organization

Our Organization

The College Club of Cincinnati (CCC) is a group of college-educated women whose mission is 

"to promote a continuing interest and participation in philanthropy, the arts, education, social welfare, and civic improvement."

Meeting Location

College Club of Cincinnati
330 Lafayette Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220


The Sweet Rewards of Organized Space

Presented by Tina Kehl and Susan Ludwig

Carolyn Laemmle 0 9849 Article rating: No rating

An organized, clean space provides a great sense of internal pride and a sense of control that is gratifying. Most of us have that space or room we just aren’t happy with, and we can’t wrap our minds around how to approach it… so we just keep the door shut. If you are finally fed up and want to fix it, where do you start?  Just in time for spring cleaning, this presentation will include ideas for downsizing and minimizing your estate while helping you to determine which of the many philosophies and systems available is right for you.


Mrs. Carolyn Laemmle………………….Chairman of the Day

Imago – Enright Ridge Urban Village

Presented by Mr. Jim Schenk

Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 12426 Article rating: No rating
Enright Ridge Urban Ecovillage is a community of people fostering a sustainable urban neighborhood that promotes social and economic well-being while contributing to the preservation of our planet.  You can find friendly neighbors who have regular pot-luck dinners, raise goats and chickens, participate in a food co-op and neighborhood greenhouse.  There are only a few such communities in the country and it is 5 minutes from downtown Cincinnati!                                            


  Nancy Cavanaugh          Chairman of the Day  

Select Ensemble of the Sycamore High School Choral Program

Directed by Mr. Ken Holdt

Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 11106 Article rating: No rating

Select Ensemble is the top of six ensembles in the Sycamore High School Choral Program. This mixed group (men and women) features predominantly juniors and seniors, some of whom will go on in music or the performing arts at the collegiate level. Select Ensemble has earned Superior ratings at District and State levels of the Ohio Music Education Association Adjudicated Event. You may have seen Select Ensemble at CCM performing as part of the Feast of Carols or performing with the CCM Wind Ensemble; performing with Country Music Award winner Eric Church at US Bank Arena; and performing with the ‘80s band Foreigner at River Bend Music Center.   


Glenna Baumbaugh                                             Chairman of the Day

(Postponed) All Aboard the Orphan Train!

Presented by Cindy Lawyer

Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 9628 Article rating: No rating
 Cindy Lawyer is a retired history elementary teacher from Zanesville, Ohio, who will spark your interest about an historical event she stumbled upon while reading the picture book, Train to Somewhere by Eve Bunting.  Enjoy a Power Point presentation with historical pictures, while learning about the mass migration of over 200,000 children who were moved from major cities to new families in the West. You will hear information about one of the largest social experiments from our country’s history, not found in school textbooks.   Glenna Baumbaugh          Chairman of the Day

Enjoying Life Long Learning through OLLI


Carolyn Laemmle 0 9955 Article rating: No rating

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, known as OLLI, at the University of Cincinnati, is a popular educational program that adds much spice to life. It is geared to mature adults (age 50+) and its classes are held at several convenient locations around  Greater Cincinnati, all with free parking. The quarterly catalog for OLLI spells out the course offerings, from 8-week seminars to one-time lectures.  Topics numbering in the 100s, year-to-year, vary widely; from traditional subjects (art, literature, music, or philosophy) to the practical (how to use your I-pad, decluttering or elder law). Best of all, OLLI brings interesting people together in a stress-free environment, at an affordable cost - with no tests, no grades, and in almost all cases, no homework.      


    Cynthia Browne           Chairman of the Day               


Caroline Williams’ “Spot in Cincinnati”

Presented by Carolyn Honkamp

Mark Buelsing 0 18418 Article rating: No rating

Caroline Williams shared her wonderful talent and love of Cincinnati for nearly five decades.  “A Spot in Cincinnati” was a much-anticipated regular feature in the Cincinnati Enquirer.  Her sketches of landmarks and locations throughout Cincinnati will be shared and discussed.

      Carole Rauf       Chairman of the Day

"Give Me a Fa, Give Me A La La." It's time to deck the halls!


Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 10792 Article rating: No rating

Every holiday season, the YPCC Octet of Carolers share joyous “Fa’s and La's” with their community as they sing and spread festive cheer!  YPCC is an innovative choral ensemble that connects motivated young professionals to their community. YPCC strives to help young people, ages 21-45, connect with musical partners, community members, and local businesses through direct participation in the art-making process.   With traditional Christmas favorites like Silent Night and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, YPCC Carolers have something on their list to bring a smile to everyone’s face.   Part of the program includes a Sing Along.

        Paula Spitzmiller                                                          Chairman of the Day

Discovering the Joseph House of Cincinnati

Presented by Alicia Harter

Janet McDaniel 0 10363 Article rating: 5.0
The mission of Joseph House, Inc. is to meet the needs of the homeless veterans suffering from addiction within our community and provide them the support they need to maintain a life-long commitment to recovery and to thrive in the community. One of the goals for this year is to participate in philanthropic endeavors.  The first of these will be a project benefitting the residents of the Joseph House.  All members are invited to participate.  We will be collecting small toiletries, socks, treats, etc.   The members of College Club will gather to package gift bags of socks and toiletries to present to the clients of Joseph House during the anticipated holiday season.  Members are asked to meet at 10:30 a.m.  to complete and assemble the bags for residents of the Joseph House.  These will be given to the speaker, Ms. Alicia Harter from Joseph House, for distribution.     


 Janet McDaniel                             Chairman of the Day

The Cincinnati Woman's Club Players


Janet McDaniel 0 10579 Article rating: No rating
Each fall College Club members anticipate the creative efforts of The CWC Players.  We are always entertained with the humorous characters entangled in various unpredictable situations.  The productions are always hilarious, and we look forward to a delightful presentation by our friends and colleagues!                                                         


  Carolyn O’Bryan                                        Chairman of the Day 

One Way Farm


Janet McDaniel 0 10153 Article rating: No rating
The mission of One Way Farm, which was organized in 1976, is to provide a warm, secure and loving environment to children, ages 6 – 18, who have been abused, neglected, and abandoned. Safe and independent housing is provided for these residents as well as medical treatment and educational services.    Twenty boys and twenty girls are housed in two separate shelters.   They are supported as they strive to build an independent and productive life.    Purpose:  To stop the cycle of child abuse and provide a loving environment for children to grow in mind, spirit and body. To develop an educational system to further the potential of all children without regard to race, color or national origin. 


Ann Hanson                                             Chairman of the Day 

125th Anniversary Celebration

Directed by Carol Parsons

Janet McDaniel 0 10111 Article rating: No rating
The College Club of Cincinnati will celebrate its 125th anniversary this year.  It is appropriate to reflect on the club’s accomplishments in education and philanthropy in the past as we anticipate the expansion of these efforts in the  future.  Gathering information from an historical summary written by Carole Rauf and the talents of Carol Parsons, a skit depicting major events and achievement of The College Club will be presented for the membership at this initial meeting in the new year.      Carol Parsons                         Chairman of the Day
«March 2025»
3/15/2025 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Our very own Mr. Frisch had the first franchise for the Big Boy restaurants. Whoever would have thought that his Cincinnati‘s favorite restaurants would be disappearing?  Come hear about great successes and recent failures of this originally local family friendly chain. You’ll even see several Big Bob figures in the American Sign Museum!

Janet McDaniel                                                            Chairperson of the Day

Donna Perzigian                                                                           Hospitality

Board Meeting, 11 am

Luncheon in the Lecture Room at noon

The slate of officers will be announced, followed by any nominations from the floor, then election and introduction of officers.

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