IMPRESSIONS OF EGYPT IMPRESSIONS OF EGYPT PRESENTED BY TONY & DONNA PERZIGIAN Janet McDaniel / 1/23/2016 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 8406 Article rating: No rating The Perzigians will describe their experiences living in Egypt from December 2010 until June of 2014. When they departed from Cincinnati, they expected to encounter many adventures, but they did not expect to be present for the historic event of the Arab spring. Their presentation will highlight their everyday life as well as the revolutionary political events. Chairman of the Day: Diane Sakmyster Read more
Armchair Adventures in Outdoor Photography Armchair Adventures in Outdoor Photography Presented by Brian Jorg Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh / 5/9/2015 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 8635 Article rating: No rating Brian Jorg, nature photographer, public speaker, and Cincinnati Zoo horticulturalist, travels the world to capture the beauty of nature in photographic images. The ‘one-of-a-kind’ presentation will focus on some of the ‘adventures’ he has encountered over the years researching photographing, and observing nature in the great outdoors. This sometimes humorous look back includes close encounters, from grizzles and black bear to rattlesnakes and tarantulas, as well as reflecting on some of the most magnificent landscapes, from Alaska to East Africa and the Amazon to Nova Scotia. Mrs. Ruth Hubbard-Barnes………….….………..………………………...……..….Chairman of the Day Read more