Tour of the Universe: You Are Here Tour of the Universe: You Are Here Presented by Dean Regas Carolyn Laemmle / 3/23/2019 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 9057 Article rating: No rating Rocket through space and sail among billions of stars and galaxies. Utilizing some amazing simulation software, astronomer and co-host of PBS’ Star Gazers, Dean Regas, will guide you through the mind-boggling scale of the universe. Along the way you’ll stop at the Moon and individual planets. Then you’ll make the jump to light speed and head to interstellar space and see all the galaxies in the universe. Don’t worry, he’ll have you back home in time for dinner. After the talk Dean will sign and sell his books “Facts From Space” and “100 Things to See in the Night Sky.” Ms. Cindy Browne ………………………Chairman of the Day Register