Programs 2014-2015

Put a Little Jazz in your Life!

Program Date:

Directed by Kerry Cruse

Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 9503 Article rating: No rating

The Walnut Hills High School Jazz Ensemble has become recognized throughout our community for its high-octane performance level.  Not only has it competed frequently  

in local and regional competitions, it has performed with the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestras, and graced venues such as the Cincinnati Art Museum, Taft Museum and the downtown Public Library.


Ms. Kathy Monahan........................Chairman of the Day


Seven Nuns At Las Vegas

Program Date:

The Cincinnati Woman's Club Players

Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 9020 Article rating: No rating

This production, a comedy,  was originally performed at Notre Dame University in 1954.  It is a hilarious play about the adventures of seven nuns who find themselves in a very unique situation.  The CWC Players will delight you with this adaptation by College Club member, Carol Parsons.  You won’t want to miss it. 


Mrs. Carol Parsons.............................................................................Chairman of the Day

Snowmen, Sleigh Bells, and Holiday Memories

Program Date:

Presented by Melissa Bonetti and Musicians

Janet McDaniel 0 9430 Article rating: No rating

What better way to begin the holiday season than a delightful holiday songfest on St. Nicholas Day!  Melissa Bonetti and other performers from the UC College Conservatory of Music (CCM) will sing a variety of those favorite melodies that put us in the gala holiday mood.  Some of the songs will be done in caroling style, some will be jazzy, and others classical.  Melissa is a master’s student at CCM with a beautiful mezzo voice who will delight all of us with her talent.


Dr. Janet McDaniel…...……….…………………………………………Chairman of the Day

Bamso Brings Us Its Best!

Program Date:

Director Michael Chertock

Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh 0 9067 Article rating: No rating

What better time than springtime for an opportunity to hear three talented winners of the 2014 Jack & Lucille Wonnell Young Artist Concerto Competition, sponsored by the Blue Ash/Montgomery Symphony Orchestra (BAMSO).  Their scintillating performances are from the main symphonic sections: (1) Strings, (2) Piano, (3) Brass, Reeds, and Woodwind.  The Blue Ash/Montgomery Symphony Orchestra is conducted by Michael Chertock, the distinguished keyboardist of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Asst. Professor of Piano at University of Cincinnati's CCM.


Mrs. Carole Rauf……………...………..…...….…Chairman of the Day


Our Organization

The College Club of Cincinnati (CCC) is a group of college-educated women whose mission is 

"to promote a continuing interest and participation in philanthropy, the arts, education, social welfare, and civic improvement."

Meeting Location

College Club of Cincinnati
330 Lafayette Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220
