Patrick Henry: Attorney, Statesman, and Five-time Governor of Virginia Patrick Henry: Attorney, Statesman, and Five-time Governor of Virginia Program Date: Portrayed by Tony Steer Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh / 10/26/2013 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 9745 Article rating: No rating Tony Steer has been an American History enthusiast for many years, having been a teacher of history and a traveler in history. After visiting Colonial Williamsburg, he became especially interested in Patrick Henry and focused his study on him. Through extensive study and subsequent trips to Williamsburg, Yorktown, Scotchtown and Red Hill where Henry lived, Tony Steer began his adventure into the world of Patrick Henry. Please join us for lunch and a visit with Patrick Henry. Ms. Rosemary Ennis Chairman of the Day Read more
Dressed For The Occasion: A Study of Fashion from 1910 - 1970 Dressed For The Occasion: A Study of Fashion from 1910 - 1970 Program Date: Presented by Bette Sherman Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh / 3/28/2015 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 9457 Article rating: No rating Bette Sherman, fashion historian, will take us on an excursion through nine decades of style and fashion. They call her the “Queen of Stuff” because her personal, extensive collection gives a peek into a century of fashion industry history. She is the go-to girl for props for Hollywood movies! “A lot of what I collect was meant to be thrown away,” Sherman says. From lithograph powder tins and antique advertising to authentic 20s flapper dresses and vintage handbags, Sherman has it all, and will speak about fashion as well as bring items from her fabulous collection. Mrs. Diane Sakmyster……………………………………………Chairman of the Day Read more
THE MIRACLE OF THE NORTH PLATTE CANTEEN Program Date: PRESENTED BT ROSEMARY DEITZER Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh / 11/14/2015 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 9444 Article rating: No rating North Platte was a small town in the middle of Nebraska on the Union Pacific Railroad. During World War II, this was a major route for moving soldiers across the country for training and to the East and West coasts for training and debarkation. A town of only 12,000 people, North Platte welcomed and fed 6 million soldiers during the war. Union Pacific Depot canteen was open 24 hours a day for 4 years. This story honors our veterans and the wonderful people of North Platte. Chairman of the Day: Mary Russell Read more
IMPRESSIONS OF EGYPT IMPRESSIONS OF EGYPT Program Date: PRESENTED BY TONY & DONNA PERZIGIAN Janet McDaniel / 1/23/2016 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 8593 Article rating: No rating The Perzigians will describe their experiences living in Egypt from December 2010 until June of 2014. When they departed from Cincinnati, they expected to encounter many adventures, but they did not expect to be present for the historic event of the Arab spring. Their presentation will highlight their everyday life as well as the revolutionary political events. Chairman of the Day: Diane Sakmyster Read more
The First 50 Years Program Date: EARLY HISTORY AND FOUNDING Janet Walsh / Thursday, May 18, 2017 0 7959 Article rating: No rating The College Club of Cincinnati was founded in 1892 by eight young women in their twenties. Miss Susan Peabody and seven of her friends initially met in her parents’ home on McGregor Avenue near Auburn. Susan Peabody and three others had graduated from Wellesley College, and membership was limited to Eastern colleges and state universities in Ohio. In establishing their own collegiate club, these young women had already demonstrated a streak of independence and sidestepped organizational hurdles. After graduating from Wellesley in 1886, Susan Peabody had been appointed Director for Ohio by the then-new Association of Collegiate Alumnae (now the Association of University Women). A survey of college graduates in Ohio found that the majority lived in the northern part of the state: therefore, the headquarters for this territory was established in Cleveland. A small group appealed to Miss Peabody to organize a branch in Cincinnati. Because the Association of Collegiate Alumnae required that its members be graduates of accredited four-year colleges and some of the Cincinnati group had attended college only two years, however, they decided to form an independent organization. In the spring of 1892, Miss Peabody returned to Cincinnati from Chicago, where she was teaching, to give her blessing and be hostess to the club at its first meeting. In attendance were Elizabeth R. Kellogg, Sarah Hickenlooper, who later became Mrs. John M. Withrow; Mary L. McMillan; Helen Sage, later Mrs. Fran W. Cottle; Adelaide Miller (Mrs. William Henry Walker); Ada Bremfoerder (Mrs. George Bassett); and Jessie Clinton (Mrs. Lelan Banning), who became the first President. Currently, our history reflects graduates from Smith, Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke as well as The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati as well as many other academic institutions. Read more
Caroline Williams’ “Spot in Cincinnati” Caroline Williams’ “Spot in Cincinnati” Program Date: Presented by Carolyn Honkamp Mark Buelsing / 1/27/2018 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 18391 Article rating: No rating Caroline Williams shared her wonderful talent and love of Cincinnati for nearly five decades. “A Spot in Cincinnati” was a much-anticipated regular feature in the Cincinnati Enquirer. Her sketches of landmarks and locations throughout Cincinnati will be shared and discussed. Carole Rauf Chairman of the Day Read more
Cincinnati Architecture: 1800-1860 Cincinnati Architecture: 1800-1860 Program Date: Presented by Carolyn Honkomp, Museum Center Heritage Programs Carolyn Laemmle / 10/12/2019 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM 0 7381 Article rating: No rating In the 19th Century, Cincinnati was a dynamic boom town, one of the top ten most populous cities in the United States. Part of that history lives on in buildings that exist today. This program presents a virtual tour of significant structures in the basin and outskirts of Cincinnati, highlighting their architectural styles. The presentation will describe the effects of commerce, European immigration, and cultural influences on the design and utility of structures that created the foundation of our city. Mrs. Mary Russell.... Chairman of the Day Mrs. Cheryl Sieve.... Flower Chairman Read more