One Way Farm One Way Farm Program Date: PRESENTED BY MS. BARBARA CONDO [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Janet McDaniel / 10/14/2017 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 10163 Article rating: No rating The mission of One Way Farm, which was organized in 1976, is to provide a warm, secure and loving environment to children, ages 6 – 18, who have been abused, neglected, and abandoned. Safe and independent housing is provided for these residents as well as medical treatment and educational services. Twenty boys and twenty girls are housed in two separate shelters. They are supported as they strive to build an independent and productive life. Purpose: To stop the cycle of child abuse and provide a loving environment for children to grow in mind, spirit and body. To develop an educational system to further the potential of all children without regard to race, color or national origin. Ann Hanson Chairman of the Day Read more
Discovering the Joseph House of Cincinnati Discovering the Joseph House of Cincinnati Program Date: Presented by Alicia Harter [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Janet McDaniel / 11/11/2017 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 10371 Article rating: 5.0 The mission of Joseph House, Inc. is to meet the needs of the homeless veterans suffering from addiction within our community and provide them the support they need to maintain a life-long commitment to recovery and to thrive in the community. One of the goals for this year is to participate in philanthropic endeavors. The first of these will be a project benefitting the residents of the Joseph House. All members are invited to participate. We will be collecting small toiletries, socks, treats, etc. The members of College Club will gather to package gift bags of socks and toiletries to present to the clients of Joseph House during the anticipated holiday season. Members are asked to meet at 10:30 a.m. to complete and assemble the bags for residents of the Joseph House. These will be given to the speaker, Ms. Alicia Harter from Joseph House, for distribution. Janet McDaniel Chairman of the Day Read more
Beginning Again: Ohio Justice and Policy Center Beginning Again: Ohio Justice and Policy Center Program Date: Presented by Tyra Patterson [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Janet McDaniel / 1/26/2019 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 9413 Article rating: 2.0 Hear the compelling story of an 11-year-old child who was unjustly incarcerated for 23 years and rebounded to become a contributing member of society during this College Club program featuring the subject of the story herself: Tyra Patterson. Having earned her GED and studied to become a paralegal, Tyra was exonerated in January, 2017, and reoriented herself into our community. Upon meeting Tyra, you will be amazed at the resiliency of the human spirit as displayed by this delightful and energetic young woman. Dr. Janet McDaniel…………………………………………………Chairman of the Day Read more
Childhood Food Solutions Childhood Food Solutions Program Date: Presented by Tony Fairhead, Executive Director, and Lisa Hyde-Hill, Board Chair [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Carolyn Laemmle / 11/16/2019 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 7309 Article rating: No rating It’s been estimated that about half of families living in poverty in Cincinnati don’t have access to sufficient food, especially during periods when children are not in school and don’t receive free or reduced-price meals. Yet, the problem largely remains silent behind closed doors, because parents don’t want to admit they lack adequate resources for such basic needs. Childhood Food Solutions was created to help fill the gap through programs designed to provide food to children in areas of poverty, high-crime and food insecurity in our community. The presenters will describe the results of these efforts and how others can assist. Mrs. Nancy Lu Walters .....Chairman of the Day Ms. Paula Steiner .......Flower Chairman Mrs. Carolyn Ludwig ....Hospitality Chairman Read more
Cincinnati Cooks! Nourishing Self-Sufficiency Cincinnati Cooks! Nourishing Self-Sufficiency Program Date: Presented by Tony Lavatori [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Carolyn Laemmle / 1/18/2020 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM 0 7899 Article rating: No rating As the Tri-State area’s largest provider of emergency food for people in crisis, the Freestore Foodbank is well regarded for helping to stave off hunger in our community. But did you know that the Freestore also provides free culinary training for unemployed and underemployed local residents – putting them on a path to self-sufficiency? This presentation shares the story of Cincinnati COOKS!, a 10-week commercial cooking school program that prepares graduates with the skills and self-confidence to succeed in culinary jobs in Greater Cincinnati. Since the program began, graduates have landed employment in more than 200 local culinary institutions, uplifting and transforming their lives. Ms. Janet Walsh.... Chairman of the Day Mrs. Diane Kasarda... Flower Chairman Read more
Our Foremothers: Women in Early Cincinnati History Our Foremothers: Women in Early Cincinnati History Program Date: Presented by Christopher Miller [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh / 2/22/2020 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM 0 7344 Article rating: No rating Cincinnati’s National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is a museum of conscience, an education center, a convenor of dialogue, and a beacon of light for inclusive freedom throughout the globe. It reveals stories of freedom’s heroes – and “she-roes” – from the past to contemporary times. This program focuses on Cincinnati women who played an important part in our local history. Ms. Rosalyn Fuller...... Chairman of the Day Ms. Nancy Bolam-Jenkins... Flower Chairman Dr. Rajni Harsh... Hospitality Chairman Read more
ROSEMARY’S BABIES: HELPING PREGNANT TEENS AND THEIR FAMILIES ROSEMARY’S BABIES: HELPING PREGNANT TEENS AND THEIR FAMILIES Program Date: Presented by Rosemary Oglesby-Henry and her daughter Jaliah [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Cynthia Browne / 11/19/2022 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM 0 3006 Article rating: No rating The Rosemary’s Babies Company focuses on eradicating teen pregnancy and ending the cycle of poverty for teen parents and their families. Rosemary Oglesby-Henry, director, will share her own life experience, the impetus for starting this organization as well as her dreams for Holloway House. Our Scholarship Award recipients will be honored at this meeting. Rosemary’s Babies is our main philanthropy project in 2022. A list of the items you can contribute by this meeting will be available in October. Stay tuned! November 19, 2022 Board Meeting – 11:00 am 12:00 Luncheon in the Lecture Room. Turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes/dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans, rolls and butter, pumpkin pie. Laura Browne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairperson of the Day Susanne Monteith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hostess Read more
FENDING OFF FRAUD FENDING OFF FRAUD Program Date: 5/17/2025 12:00:00 PM Presented by Matt Broo, Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Sandra L. Greenwald / 5/17/2025 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 700 Article rating: 5.0 “Scam Alert!” Have you ever felt you were scammed? What did you do about it? The Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office recently established a new initiative, the “Elder Justice Unit,” to protect Senior Citizens from fraud, scams and financial exploitation. These crimes are under-reported because elderly victims are often too embarrassed to report them. Learn how to protect yourself, what to do if you have been scammed and how to prevent future abuse. Nancy Glasgow Chairperson of the Day Diane Kasarda Hospitality Board Meeting, 11 am.; Past Presidents’ Meeting, 11:30. Luncheon in the Lecture Room at noon President presents the Annual Report, recognizes any new members and will introduce the new Board of Governors. All Past Presidents are honored at t Read more