Mark Buelsing / Wednesday, May 16, 2018 / Categories: User Manual Add a New CCC Member to Website This document will show how to add a new member to the online members list. Preparation: If you have a photo for the new member, it is helpful to prepare it before you begin this process. To prepare the photo, crop it to 320px by 330px. (Width-x-Height), and 72 dpi. To add a new member 1. Logged in as an administrator, go to the following page in the menu /Scholarships/Website-Administration/User-Manager You will use the form to enter the new user. 2. For User Name, enter their FirstName and a space and then their LastName, (ie. Jane Smith) 3. The Password must be 7 characters or more. Enter one now. Do not ever re-use passwords. Make a note of the password, you will need to give the password to the new member. The Password is CaSeSensitiVe. 4. The Display Name should be the same as the User Name. 5. The email address is required. Enter it now. 6. Click the Register Button That will create the user in the system and then redirect you to the Landing Page. Now you can edit the user to add the address and photo, etc. 7. Use the menu to go to the Member Directory page. For-Members/Member-Directory/ 8. Find the new Member. It will usually be at the top-left of the page and will not have a name, but will have the email address visible. 9. Click the "edit" link for that user. 10. Click the "Manage Roles for this User" tab 11. Click the drop-down box under the "Security Role" title and choose "Members" 12. Then put today's date in the "Effective Date" field. 13. Click the button titled, "Add Role to User." 14. Click on the "Manage Profile" tab. Here is where you enter all the rest of the information for this user. 15. Click the "Manage Profile" tab 16. Enter their Name, Address, and Contact telephone numbers for home and mobile. 17. Click the Preferences header, scroll to the bottom and click the button to "Upload File" 18. Find and upload their resized photo. 19. Click the "Update" button at the bottom of the page. 20. Use the menu to go back to the Member Directory page. For-Members/Member-Directory/ and find and review the new member for completeness and accuracy. Print 2349 Rate this article: No rating Tags: New Member Please login or register to post comments.