The Sweet Rewards of Organized Space The Sweet Rewards of Organized Space Program Date: Presented by Tina Kehl and Susan Ludwig [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Carolyn Laemmle / 5/11/2019 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 9825 Article rating: No rating An organized, clean space provides a great sense of internal pride and a sense of control that is gratifying. Most of us have that space or room we just aren’t happy with, and we can’t wrap our minds around how to approach it… so we just keep the door shut. If you are finally fed up and want to fix it, where do you start? Just in time for spring cleaning, this presentation will include ideas for downsizing and minimizing your estate while helping you to determine which of the many philosophies and systems available is right for you. Mrs. Carolyn Laemmle………………….Chairman of the Day Read more