One Way Farm One Way Farm Program Date: PRESENTED BY MS. BARBARA CONDO [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Janet McDaniel / 10/14/2017 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 10063 Article rating: No rating The mission of One Way Farm, which was organized in 1976, is to provide a warm, secure and loving environment to children, ages 6 – 18, who have been abused, neglected, and abandoned. Safe and independent housing is provided for these residents as well as medical treatment and educational services. Twenty boys and twenty girls are housed in two separate shelters. They are supported as they strive to build an independent and productive life. Purpose: To stop the cycle of child abuse and provide a loving environment for children to grow in mind, spirit and body. To develop an educational system to further the potential of all children without regard to race, color or national origin. Ann Hanson Chairman of the Day Read more