Discovering the Joseph House of Cincinnati Discovering the Joseph House of Cincinnati Program Date: Presented by Alicia Harter [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Janet McDaniel / 11/11/2017 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 10342 Article rating: 5.0 The mission of Joseph House, Inc. is to meet the needs of the homeless veterans suffering from addiction within our community and provide them the support they need to maintain a life-long commitment to recovery and to thrive in the community. One of the goals for this year is to participate in philanthropic endeavors. The first of these will be a project benefitting the residents of the Joseph House. All members are invited to participate. We will be collecting small toiletries, socks, treats, etc. The members of College Club will gather to package gift bags of socks and toiletries to present to the clients of Joseph House during the anticipated holiday season. Members are asked to meet at 10:30 a.m. to complete and assemble the bags for residents of the Joseph House. These will be given to the speaker, Ms. Alicia Harter from Joseph House, for distribution. Janet McDaniel Chairman of the Day Read more