Programs 2017-2018


Program Date:

Presented By The Hills of Kentucky Dulcimers

Paula Steiner 0 1038 Article rating: No rating

December 16, 2023

Did you know that the Appalachian dulcimer is the Kentucky state instrument? Active since 1992, this group has beautifully blended its sounds in a variety of programs and venues, while promoting the dulcimer’s rich history. Learn more about this tradition as you enjoy the soothing and familiar melodies.

The luncheon will be held in the Tea Room at 12:00 PM 

followed by the program in the auditorium.

Ham with raison sauce, Roasted brussel sprouts and carrots, 

Mashed sweet potatoes, Gingerbread with lemon sauce.

Paula Steiner………………………………………Chairperson of the Day

Paula Spitzmiller…………………………………..Hospitality


Program Date: 4/19/2025 12:00:00 PM

Directed by J.R. Caffidy, in honor of Paula Steiner

Paula Steiner 0 544 Article rating: No rating

Hold on to your seats! The Kentucky Symphony Orchestra’s subsidiary group, the Flood Wall Jazz Sextet, will wake you up in a very good way. The group specializes in the music of Claude Bolling, Vince Guaraldi, Dave Brubeck, and others, bringing together a true hybrid mix of classical and jazz entertainment.

Honorary College Club member Paula Steiner has had a personal connection to the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra since 1997. It was then that the business in which she was a partner, Medical Research Laboratories, took on a benefactor role. Since 2004, as the company was sold to a corporation, Paula remained very active and supportive of the KSO, to this day, serving several terms on the board, including board president.

Paula Steiner                                                               Chairperson of the Day

Irene Diesel                                                                                 Hospitality

Luncheon in the Tea Room at noon followed by the concert in the Auditorium


Our Organization

Our Organization

The College Club of Cincinnati (CCC) is a group of college-educated women whose mission is 

"to promote a continuing interest and participation in philanthropy, the arts, education, social welfare, and civic improvement."

Meeting Location

College Club of Cincinnati
330 Lafayette Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220
