Programs 2017-2018

Event date: 10/15/2016 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Export event
Politics and Elections--The Crazy Politics of 2016--Where Are We?
Nancy Cavanaugh
/ Categories: Programs, Speaker, 2016-2017

Politics and Elections--The Crazy Politics of 2016--Where Are We?

Presented by Albert Tuchfarber, PhD

Words matter!  Debates, commentary, analysis, and commercials have bombarded us for nearly fifteen months.  However, the complexities of this election season remain.  In an analysis unlikely to be matched on CNN, Fox News – or even the Cincinnati Enquirer – University of Cincinnati Professor Emeritus of Political Science Albert Tuchfarber, PhD, shared insights and observations on the 2016 presidential race during a presentation. The forces behind the election have been decades in the making, according to Dr. Tuchfarber, the product of the end of the post World War II boom and the slowdown in economic and population growth and middle class prosperity that followed. He described the current state of national and global identity as a period of “transition” in which large majorities of the electorate are dissatisfied with the direction of the United States and traditional political party alliances have shifted. What does the future hold? Dr. Tuchfarber predicts a mixed bag, with one clear bright spot: The United States will remain dominant on the world stage at least until the 2050s. Menu:  Trio salads, fruit, fudge nut ball

Kathie Turin                           Chairman of the Day

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