IMPRESSIONS OF EGYPT IMPRESSIONS OF EGYPT Program Date: PRESENTED BY TONY & DONNA PERZIGIAN [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Janet McDaniel / 1/23/2016 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 8599 Article rating: No rating The Perzigians will describe their experiences living in Egypt from December 2010 until June of 2014. When they departed from Cincinnati, they expected to encounter many adventures, but they did not expect to be present for the historic event of the Arab spring. Their presentation will highlight their everyday life as well as the revolutionary political events. Chairman of the Day: Diane Sakmyster Read more
FRIENDS OF THE GROOM FRIENDS OF THE GROOM Program Date: DIRECTED BY TOM LONG [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Janet McDaniel / 2/27/2016 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 9077 Article rating: No rating Organized in 1980, FRIENDS OF THE GROOM is a traveling drama company that presents short vignettes with powerful messages that will touch your heart. The vignettes are conversations between ordinary people who are in difficult situations or are at turning points in their lives. This meaningful presentation will be entertaining while bringing comfort and inspiration to you. Chairman of the Day Alice Robbins Read more