Dressed For The Occasion: A Study of Fashion from 1910 - 1970 Dressed For The Occasion: A Study of Fashion from 1910 - 1970 Program Date: Presented by Bette Sherman [EasyDNNnews:ProgramDate] Glenna Wardlow Baumbaugh / 3/28/2015 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 9458 Article rating: No rating Bette Sherman, fashion historian, will take us on an excursion through nine decades of style and fashion. They call her the “Queen of Stuff” because her personal, extensive collection gives a peek into a century of fashion industry history. She is the go-to girl for props for Hollywood movies! “A lot of what I collect was meant to be thrown away,” Sherman says. From lithograph powder tins and antique advertising to authentic 20s flapper dresses and vintage handbags, Sherman has it all, and will speak about fashion as well as bring items from her fabulous collection. Mrs. Diane Sakmyster……………………………………………Chairman of the Day Read more