THE “CINCY” BOOK BUS: IGNITING A PASSION FOR READING THE “CINCY” BOOK BUS: IGNITING A PASSION FOR READING Presented by Melanie Moore, Owner. Cynthia Browne / 3/16/2024 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM 0 1341 Article rating: No rating March 16, 2024 After teaching for 25 years, Melanie Moore had an epiphany about converting her 1962 vintage Volkswagen pickup truck into a “bookstore on wheels.” She’ll share with us how this came about through a variety of “partnerships,” and how she has used her profits to get books directly into the hands of underserved children. This also led to her opening The Book Bus Depot in Sharonville. Board Meeting at 11:00 am. Luncheon in the Lecture Room at 12:00 pm. Turkey club on croissant with turkey, bacon, swiss, lettuce and tomato, Orange tomato soup, chips, Chocolate pudding with whipped cream. Cindy Browne……………….Chairperson of the Day Carolyn Ludwig……………..Hospitality Read more
LAST MILE FOOD RESCUE: ENDING HUNGER IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS LAST MILE FOOD RESCUE: ENDING HUNGER IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS Presented by Crystal Cottrill, Food Donor Relationship Manager Sandra L. Greenwald / 1/21/2023 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM 0 3119 Article rating: 4.0 Last Mile is a Cincinnati food rescue organization that started in October, 2020 with the goal of getting fresh food “out of landfills and onto the plates of those needing it most.” Using a combination of computer technology and its growing volunteer base, the group has already successfully networked with 13 area Kroger stores to rescue 660,729 pounds of fresh food! And that is just one example! Volunteers choose where they want to deliver the food at a time that is convenient to them! Come learn how you too can make a critical difference in the lives of your neighbors fighting food insecurity. January 21, 2022 Board meeting – 11 am Luncheon in the Lecture Room at noon. Hot chicken piccata with angel hair pasta, spinach salad, rolls and butter, chocolate cake. Sandy Greenwald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairperson of the Day Elizabeth Kearney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hostess Read more
HOPE’S CLOSET: UPLIFTING THE LIVES OF FOSTER CHILDREN HOPE’S CLOSET: UPLIFTING THE LIVES OF FOSTER CHILDREN Presented by Jami Clarke, Executive Director Cynthia Browne / 11/13/2021 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM 0 5063 Article rating: No rating Hope’s Chest was founded by foster parents who saw a “circle of brokenness” among foster families and were motivated to restore these relationships when possible. The West Chester-based non-profit works with more than 100 volunteers, providing training and offering encouragement and material support for the families. Executive Director Jami Clarke will describe how Hope’s Closet makes a difference in the community and how others can help. Hope’s Closet is our main philanthropy project in 2021. At or before this meeting, items deemed as needed by the families will be collected. Stay tuned! Lecture Room Turkey and gravy Mashed potatoes Dressing Cranberry sauce Green beans Pumpkin pie Ms. Janet Walsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman of the Day Mrs. Daniel Minella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flowers Ms. Rebecca Onderdonk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hostess Read more
Childhood Food Solutions Childhood Food Solutions Presented by Tony Fairhead, Executive Director, and Lisa Hyde-Hill, Board Chair Carolyn Laemmle / 11/16/2019 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 7281 Article rating: No rating It’s been estimated that about half of families living in poverty in Cincinnati don’t have access to sufficient food, especially during periods when children are not in school and don’t receive free or reduced-price meals. Yet, the problem largely remains silent behind closed doors, because parents don’t want to admit they lack adequate resources for such basic needs. Childhood Food Solutions was created to help fill the gap through programs designed to provide food to children in areas of poverty, high-crime and food insecurity in our community. The presenters will describe the results of these efforts and how others can assist. Mrs. Nancy Lu Walters .....Chairman of the Day Ms. Paula Steiner .......Flower Chairman Mrs. Carolyn Ludwig ....Hospitality Chairman Register